Meet our musicians: Sophia Aretz

Sophia Aretz, flutist at Kölner Akademie

Which instrument do you play at the Kölner Akademie and when did you start playing?
Since 2022 I play with the Kölner Akademie: baroque flute for baroque repertoire and classical flute or keyed flute for classical and romantic repertoire.

What brought you to the Kölner Akademie?
I already knew some CD-recordings of the Kölner Akademie and was recommended by someone at Michael, whereupon he asked me.

In which other orchestras and ensembles do you play?
I play freelance in ensembles like the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Ensemble 1700, Hofkapelle Stuttgart, L’Orfeo Baroque Orchestra from Austria, with Harmonie Universelle. Also, after an audition with Arcangelo (an ensemble in the UK), I was accepted into their pool of musicians.

What do you think distinguishes your work with the Kölner Akademie?
I totally enjoy playing in this ensemble. Michael has a knack for putting together good people who are motivated and interested in achieving the best possible musical result. In addition, Michael often finds unknown repertoire, so you learn many new works and expand your musical horizons. I like the fact that he records so many CD recordings with his ensemble, because one can create something lasting that way.

What do you like to do when you are not making music?
As mentioned on the website of the Kölner Akademie, yoga, various sports and meditation are part of my everyday life and help me to be a very optimistic and happy person. I also love to swim in ice-cold water and combine this challenge with Wim Hof breathing techniques. I love to cook (plant-based). I also like to get involved socially by going to demonstrations for issues like anti-racism, human rights, feminism, animal rights and climate protection, or doing awareness work at street actions.