Musician of the month: Isabel Soteras Valenti

Which instrument do you play at the Kölner Akademie and when did you start playing?
I play violin and I started playing with the KA in April 2022. 

What lead you to the Kölner Akademie?
I started playing with the KA because a friend gave my contact.  

In which other orchestras and ensembles do you play?
I play in the Bach Collegium Barcelona, Innsbrucker Festwochen Orchester, Karlsruher Barockorchester,Talenti Vulcanici among others. And I am a member of two chamber music groups: Duo Herrando and Estro Armonico 

What do you think distinguishes your work with the Kölner Akademie?
I like to play with the KA because there is always a very good environment between all the musicians who play there and I like to discover and play music that unfortunately we don’t play so often. 

What do you like to do when you are not playing music?
I like to care for my plants and vegetables, run, read, be close to the sea, learn languages and spend time with my friends and family.