New recording with works by Adalbert Gyrowetz

The Kölner Akademie, under the direction of Michael Alexander Willens, is currently in the Deutschlandfunk studio to record their next recording of forgotten works. This time the program includes symphonies by Adalbert Gyrowetz (1763 – 1850). He was born in the Bohemian town of Budweis, where he received lessons in singing and violin at the age of four, and later also in organ playing from the local organist. After leaving school, Gyrowetz initially went to Prague to study law, but entered the service of Count Franz von Fünfkirchen before completing his studies. It was in his service that he made his first appearance as a composer with six symphonies. Gyrowetz soon traveled to the great European music cities of the time: from Brno he went to Vienna, where he probably met Mozart, from Venice to Rome, Naples, Milan, Genoa, Marseille, Lyon, Paris and from there to London, where he arrived at the end of 1789. There he worked as a composer for the Salomon Concerts and the Pantheon Theatre. In 1792 he returned to Paris via Brussels, but did not stay there for long, as in 1793 he set off for Berlin, Dresden, Prague and finally Vienna. This was to be his final destination, as he joined the civil service in Vienna as Legation Secretary and then became composer and Kapellmeister of the court theaters from 1804-1831. He continued to organize concerts until 1847.

His music can be divided into two creative phases. Until around 1800, he was a highly sought-after composer who created symphonies, concertos and chamber music in the style of the middle and late Haydn. From around 1804, he oriented himself stylistically towards Hummel and the young Beethoven. From this point onwards, he mainly composed operas, other secular vocal works and church music. Gyrowetz continued to compose into old age, but from the 1820s onwards he was increasingly stuck in the past.